Total Focus Cleaning is committed to achieving the principles of health and safety in our workplace. We recognise our moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for workers, contractors, customers and visitors. This commitment also extends to ensuring that our commercial cleaning operations and activities are carried out in compliance with relevant work health and safety laws, regulations, codes of practice and standards.
Total Focus Cleaning operates under an Integrated Management System that enables compliance to the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 14001:2016 Standard. We are committed to achieving the principles of responsible environmental management, green cleaning, sustainability and protection of the natural environment in our workplace in order to minimise our impact on the environment for generations to come.
Total Focus Cleaning operates under an Integrated Management System that enables compliance to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2016 Standard. It is the policy of this company to operate its business in a manner that consistently meets or exceeds the commercial cleaning quality standards set by our stakeholders. To achieve this, we are committed to continuous improvement of our operations and the products and services provided by our company.
Total Focus Cleaning operates under an Integrated Management System that enables compliance to the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018 Standard. We are committed to ensuring that our operations and activities do not place the local community or environment at risk of injury, illness or damage.